The Department of Computer Engineering organized an event ‘Innovia’ on 15th September, 2023, Friday to celebrate ‘Engineer’s Day’. The program was held in the Auditorium in which about 250 students were present along with faculties.
15th September 2023, Friday
11:00 a.m. Onwards
Computer Engineering
The event started by welcoming HOD, faculty members and the students. After welcoming, the event was continued by lamp lighting by HOD Ms. Rohini Bhosale and faculty co-ordinator Ms. Snehal Shinde and faculty members. The students were addressed by the Head of the Computer Department. Dr. Rajashree Gadhave was felicitated by our HOD ma’am for achieving PhD degree in this academic year.
There were many activities such as singing songs, dance performances, technical games and a short film by computer department students. After all these fun activities all the teachers were felicitated by giving memento and cutting the cake. The winners of CodeHunt event which was conducted by Coding club were declared and felicitated. An amazing day came to an end, and all the students returned with great joy.