Industrial Visit to Shri Transformers

PHCET > Electrical IV > Industrial Visit to Shri Transformers

The Electrical Engineering Department organized an industrial visit for the final year students to Shri Transformers. All the seven semester Electrical Engineering students along with Prof. R. D. More and Mr. Pradeep Shinde visited to premises with an interest of linking the theoretical knowledge with the practical aspects of transformer.

5th September, 2018
Electrical Engineering
Shri Transformers, New Panvel
Prof. R. D. More

The Shri Transformer is the unit of repair of transformer and test after repair the transformer and also manufacture of new transformer. Generally the transformer working on demand load, but the transformer design on maximum load. When the Connected load is over the maximum load that time possibility of burned out of transformer winding is high. The Unit replaces the burned winding and other burned – out part of transformer and fill up the transformer fresh oil.

After repair the transformer they perform below tests

  1. Open Circuit Tests
  2. Short Circuit Test
  3. Turn Ratio Test

The Member, Incharge of production received us at the entrance and gave a brief introduction about transformer Principle and working. This Industrial visit was very informative and interesting as it gave an opportunity to students to familiarize with the different equipments of transformer and its applications. The visit facilitated a short overview over the Cores, Windings Cooling, Buchholz Relay, Conservator Transformer Tank, Oil Level Indicator, Breather, System Ground Terminal, Primary Winding, Secondary Winding, Transformer Oil, Insulation drying and Bushings. The industrial visit was helpful in upgrading the practical knowledge of students by understanding the layout of transformer and also benefited them to translate their theoretical knowledge with practical concepts. Head of the Department Prof. Pranita Chavan, Co-ordinator Prof. R. D. More and Lab-Technician Mr. Pradeep Shinde were the key functional persons for the smooth functioning and success of this Industrial Visit.