Industrial Visit to Electrical Training Centre, Virar

PHCET > Electrical IV > Industrial Visit to Electrical Training Centre, Virar

The Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department organized an industrial visit for the TE Electrical students to Virar, Electrical Training Centre, EMU Carshed. Students learnt a lot about utilisation of electrical energy in commutation of Indian Railways. This visit is arranged for the subject of Utilisation of Electrical Energy for semester VI of Mumbai University. All the Electrical Engineering students and along with Prof. R. D. More and Prof. Keshav C. and Mr. Pradeep Shinde visited the premises with an interest of linking the theoretical knowledge with the practical aspects of Energy Utilisation in Railway field.


6th April, 2017
Carshed, Virar
Prof. Asokan S., Prof. Sangetha R., Prof. R. D. More, Prof. Keshav C. and Mr. Pradeep Shinde
Electrical Engineering