Inauguration of IEI Student Chapter and Guest Lecture on “Present Reforms in MSEDCL”

PHCET > Electrical Expert Lecture > Inauguration of IEI Student Chapter and Guest Lecture on “Present Reforms in MSEDCL”

Mahatma Education Society’s Pillai HOC College of Engineering and Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering initiated students’ Chapter under Institution of Engineers. The Inauguration Ceremony was held on 7th April, 2017 at 10.30 a.m. in Conclave Hall. Dr. Chelpa Lingam, the Principal of the college in his presidential address, urged the students to actively participate in the student chapter activities thereby increasing their technical and softskill knowledge.

7th April, 2017
Conclave-I PHCET
Prof. Supriya Shigwan

Mr. J. N. Mistry, Chairman of IEI Belapur local centre, Navi Mumbai introduced the students about the Institution of Engineers. Prof. P. N. Tondon, immediate past chairman of IEI Belapur local centre, Navi Mumbai explained about various benefits and activities under Institution of Engineers. The students’ chapter benefits its members to access for IEI library, IEI guest houses all over India, research funding and many more facilities very much essential for engineers to update and enhance their knowledge. Chief Guest Mr. S. M. Gadhari deputy executive engineer MSEB Panvel-2 and Mr. Kamlakar Ambade, MSEB delivered an expert lecture on “Present Reforms in MSEDCL”. They shared their valuable knowledge with students.