Purnima is one such day when the Guru or the teacher is worshipped for the work they have done for their disciples. Every year in the month of Ashadh this festival is celebrated. It is actually a combination of two Sanskrit words “Gu” and “Ru”. “Gu” in Sanskrit means ignorance or darkness and “Ru” means the remover of the darkness. Basically the person who is responsible for removing the darkness is known as Guru.
Organized by
Information Technology Engineering
Students of T.E. – I.T.
Guru Purnima celebration was done by the students of T.E. – I.T., where the students gather in their class on this auspicious day and there are various programs that are hosted. In the Starting of Academic sessions, there was a Guru Purnima celebration held in class of T.E. – I.T. on 27th July, 2018 at 2.00 p.m. to 4.00 p.m. There were about 58 students and all faculty members were there. Apart from this function there are different shloks that are read out by the students on “Guru Purnima” which are dedicated to the teachers. All the teachers line up to see the programs organized by the students for them. It is really nice to see this kind of culture and relationship between the students and the teachers left in India.