NSS Unit of Pillai HOC College of Engineering & Technology, Rasayani always works for the people in the neighbourhood community. It has adopted village Gulsunde, Panvel on 10th December, 2019. The population of this village is around 6000 out of which around 600 are tribes there where development is required. Due to excessive rain in this area people has to struggle for food. Taking this situation in account NSS Unit PHCET, Rasayani helped people by proving food stuff to the needy people with the help of Village representative Mr. Manoj Pawar, Grampanchayat Member, Gulsunde. We carried this activity on 18th August, 2021. The activity was co-ordinated by NSS co-ordinators Dr. Avinash Gatade and Ms. Rekha Dhawan along with non teaching staff members Mr. Nitin Gopale and Mr. Mahendra Mali.