Pravin Dahalke, Prof. Dr. Priam Pillai, "Fabrication and Testing of Impact Absorber for Possible Use in Vehicle Anti Crash System", S. K. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Hub, ISSN: 2394-3122, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2015
Pravin Dahalke, Atul Jade, "Recent Trends of CAD-CAM Technology Used in Dentistry and Teeth Making", National Level Technical Paper Presentation B.V.I.T., Kharghar, March 2013
Pravin Dahalke, Atul Jade, "Review of Lean Manufacturing and Line Balancing", National Level Technical Paper Presentation B.V.I.T., Kharghar, March 2013
Workshop and STTP Attended
Three Days Industrial Training at Reliance Industries Ltd., Patalganga
Two Days Workshop on "Writing Effective Conference Papers" conducted by IIT Bombay
One Week Faculty Development Programme on "Advancements in CNC Machining" at Abdul Rajjak Kalsekar Technical Campus
One Week Faculty Development Programme on "Advancements in Automobile Engineering", Amrutvahini Technical Campus, Sangamner
Three Days Industrial Training at Reliance Thermal Power Plant, Dhanu
One Week Faculty Development Programme on "Design of Fatigue and Fracture" at S. H. Jondhale Technical Campus, Asangaon