Ph.D. 2014: Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay
M.Tech. 2006: Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee
B.E. 1996: Government College of Engineering, Karad
L.L.B. 2004: Mumbai University
Research and Consultancy
Stormwater Management
Decentralized Wastewater Treatment
Flood Risk Assessment
Concrete Mix Design
Repairs, rehabilitation and retrofitting of structures; Infrastructure Development; Contracts Management
Important Publications
Swarnkar, K., Nikam, V., Gupta, K., and Pearson, J.M. (2022), “Review of the state-of-the-art for monitoring urban drainage water quality using rhodamine WT dye as a tracer” ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering
Nikam, V. S. and Gupta K. (2014), "A SVM Based Model for Short-term Rainfall Forecast at Local Scale in the Mumbai Urban Area (India)", ASCE, J. Hydrol. Eng., 19 (5), 1048–1052
Gupta K., Chaudhari P. and Nikam V. (2012), "Hydraulic Modelling of Flows in Mithi River, Mumbai", Journal of Indian Water Works Association, 54, 2, 228-235
Gupta K., Loknadham B. and Nikam V. (2012), "Characterization of Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Monsoon Rainfall Over Mumbai", ISH J. of Hydraulic Engineering, 15, 2, 69-80
Nikam V. S., Lalla K. and Gupta K. (2009), "Integrated Approaches to Urban Drainage in India: Case of Thane City", Journal of Indian Water Works Association, 41, 1, 59-64
Nikam V. S., Kumar A, Lalla K. and Gupta K. (2009), "Conservation of Thane Creek and Ulhas River Estuary", Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering, 51, 3, 157-162
Awards and Recognitions
Best paper of year award by Indian Water Works Association
1st prize winner of National Concrete Cube Testing Competition - 1995 in student category, conducted by India Chapter of American Concrete Institute, India
2nd prize winner of National Concrete Cube Testing Competition - 2000 in practicing engineer category, conducted by India Chapter of American Concrete Institute, India
3rd prize winner of National Concrete Cube Testing Competition - 2002 in practicing engineer category, conducted by India Chapter of American Concrete Institute, India