The Celebration of Engineer’s Day and Teachers Day Celebration jointly organized by IEI Student’s Chapter of Department of Electrical Engineering commenced at 2.00 p.m. T.E. Student Narendra welcomed all the faculty members of Electrical Engineering Department. Lamp lighting was done after the felicitation. Then Dr. Mathew briefed about importance of the Engineers and Teachers Day. Then T.E. Electrical student Vedika Langi gave a speech on the topic Engineer’s Day and Teachers Day celebration.
Electrical Engineering
6th floor
Prof. Supriya Shigwan
Engineers operate at the interface between science and society. To identify the great works done by our hard working engineers each year 15th September is celebrated as Engineers’ Day marking the birth day of Sir Mokshagundam Visvesvaraya, recognizing his contributions in the field of hydro energy in India.
Various technical and non-technical events were organized as mentioned below:
- Paper Presentation: In this event, students have presented their papers on different Innovations in recent trends of Engineering.
- Treasure Hunt: Each clue was in the form of a riddle and the students thoroughly savored decoding the hints. There was display of tremendous team work and coordination among the house members
- Technical Quiz: Around 40 students have participated under Technical Quiz Competition. Round 2-3 rounds were conducted to finalize the winners of the Quiz Competition
More than 80 students showed their participation in the event and this initiative was highly appreciated by all the staff members and students. Prizes to the students, who won prizes in various competitions held were also given away on the occasion. The whole event was co-ordinate by student council of IEI student chapter.