Elocution Competition on “Nelson Mandela”

PHCET > Auto Competition > Elocution Competition on “Nelson Mandela”

Department of Automobile Engineering organized Elocution Competition for the students on Nelson Mandel’s birthday under the theme ‘Celebration of Two Apostles of Peace and Non-Violence’ on 18th July, 2018.

18th July, 2018
Automobile Engineering
Celebration of Two Apostles of Peace and Non-Violence

Mandela Day calls on us all, every day, to make the world a better place.

Students individually participated to deliver speech about the life of Nelson Mandela. The competition judges evaluated students how the story an entrant tells and how students relate Nelson Mandela’s story, including his personal and political story, to their own lives. For example, this may involve exploration of links to local struggles for social justice that students are aware of today. Students form S.E., T.E. and B.E. participated in the competition. The topic for competition was “Peace and Non-Violence”. In this competition 18 students participated. Three winners were selected and sent for institute level competition.