B.E. Project Orientation Program

PHCET > Comp Events > B.E. Project Orientation Program

Department of Computer Engineering organized an Orientation program for B.E. Students.

Date of Event
7th July, 2021
Online through Google Meet
Ms. Rohini Bhosale HOD, Computer Engineering, Ms. Srijita Bhattacharjee, Project Coordinator, Ms. Babita Bhagat, Project Coordinator, Computer Engineering

The program started with a warm welcome of the all B.E. Project guides of the department and the final year students. After the warm welcome, Project coordinators explained the process of Final year project to the students. Ms. Rohini Bhosale, HoD of Computer Engineering has enlightened the students about the current research topics. B.E. project guides given a brief idea about different domain of computer engineering. academic portfolio. The Project Coordinators also shared their and expectations for the quality of projects in the department.