Electrical wiring is an integral part of the electrical course. This is the basic for all electrical engineers. Hence a wiring workshop was arranged by the electrical engineering department. Many students nearly 70 of them participated in the workshop and was benefitted by it. Prof. Asokan and Prof. R. D. More were the key functional...Read More
The goal of setting up electrical museum is mainly to bring out the creative and technical skill of students in their field of study. They were motivated to set up a miniature of electrical power generation, transmission and distribution. Students of Electrical engineering department participated actively in this venture day and night and within a...Read More
One Day Workshop was arranged on Matlab for all the students during TechEuforia of PHCET by Mr. S. N. Kadam on 25th January, 2017. The workshop was intended to help the students to understand the basics of Matlab programming and its application in engineering field.Read More
Tech-Euforia’ 17 was to encourage students to bring out their technical as well as non-technical abilities and skills, by participating in the various events that were organized for them. One of the main objectives was to conduct a large scale technical festival in our campus to give to the reputation of our college. Certificate of...Read More
The IT Department organised One Day Workshop on “Big data”. Exponential growth of data in electronic form with its volume, variety and velocity has brought in “Big Data” as a topic of its own. This explosion challenges the current data mining techniques that are based on structured data. Studies show that over 80% of data...Read More
Mahatma Education Society’s Pillai HOC College of Engineering & Technology, Rasayani works towards nurturing the sense of care and commitment in students for society as part of its education. Students will integrate community service in their professional and personal lives. Students personally volunteer their time to community service programs that caters to the needs of...Read More
The Pillai HOC College of Engineering and Technology in association with The Rotary Club of Patalganga, conducted a Blood Donation Camp in the college premises on 18th January, 2017. The slogan for the Blood Donation Camp was ‘Give Blood, Give Life’.Read More