Workshop on “Shell Scripting”

PHCET > Comp Seminars & Workshops > Workshop on “Shell Scripting”

The Computer Engineering Department organised One Day Workshop on Shell Scripting.

A One Day Workshop on Shell Scripting was conducted on 20th January, 2018 by the Department of Computer Engineering. Mr. Abhijeet More was the co-ordinator of this event. In this Workshop 74 participants actively participated and successfully completed the course. Mr. Devendra Terse worked with IGATE Patni, Capgemini organization and currently working in ‘oracle’, Mumbai was the speaker of the event

20th January, 2018
Computer Engineering
Devendra Terse from Oracle, Mumbai

About Network Security:

A shell script is a computer program designed to be run by the Unix shell, a command-line interpreter. The various dialects / languages of shell scripts are considered to be scripting languages. The typical Unix / Linux / Posix-compliant installation includes the Korn Shell (ksh) in several possible versions such as ksh88, Korn Shell & #39;93 and others. The oldest shell still in common use is the Bourne shell (sh), Unix systems invariably also include the C Shell (csh), Bourne Again Shell (bash), a remote shell (rsh), a secure shell for SSL telnet connections (ssh).

Course contents:

  1. The UNIX File system and Shell Introduction
  2. The Shell:
    • Executing commands and command options
    • Interactive features like job control, history
  3. The UNIX file system:
  4. File Utilities (cp, mv, rm, diff, etc.):
  5. Processes and Filters:
    • UNIX Processes
    • Pipes
    • Process Utilities like Ps, kill, wait, sleep
    • Filters: cat, head, tail, sort, unique
  6. Regular Expressions: grep, fgrep, egrep
  7. Shell Scripting, Scripting Examples, Variables

The program was concluded by a Certificate Distribution Ceremony.

The certificate distribution ceremony was concluded with Vote of Thanks speech by Dr. Ashok Kanthe [HOD & Professor, Computer Dept.].