IIC Cell Organises a Webinar on “Intellectual Property Protection and Management in Academia” by Dr. Padma Satish, Chief Technical Officer (CTO), Industrial Research and Consultancy (IRCC), IIT Bombay on Monday, 26th April, 2021 Time: 05:00 p.m. Zoom Link: Join Zoom Meeting: https://pillai-edu-in.zoom.us/j/3276544465 Meeting ID: 327 654 4465 Speaker Profile: Dr. Padmasatish works as the Chief...Read More
QFORM International Olympiad 2021 is one of the most reputed competition for the engineering students. 13 students from PHCET competed with participants from more than 13 countries and 34 universities around the world. The preparation for Olympiad started on 5th February through an awareness webinar conducted for all students of Mechanical and Automobile Engineering.It helped...Read More