Abstract of Talk: Industrial Engineering Industrial engineering is an engineering profession that is concerned with the optimization of complex processes, systems or organizations by developing, improving and implementing integrated systems of people, money, knowledge, information, equipment, energy and materials. Industrial engineers use specialized knowledge and skills in the mathematical, physical and social sciences, together with...Read More
Abstract of Talk: HVAC Industry: Heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) is the technology of indoor and vehicular environmental comfort. Its goal is to provide thermal comfort and acceptable indoor air quality. HVAC system design is a subdiscipline of mechanical engineering, based on the principles of thermodynamics, fluid mechanics and heat transfer. “Refrigeration” is sometimes...Read More
A Site Visit for the Third Year students to Water Treatment Plant, Bhokarpada was organized by Department of Civil Engineering on 5th October, 2019 along with faculty member Mr. Harshal Pathak. The Water supply to the Navi Mumbai city is provided from Bhokarpada treatment plant situated at village Bhokarpada. Bhokarpada Water treatment plant has a...Read More