Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering arranged Intra Collegiate Project Competition on 13th April, 2017 in Electronics Laboratory. Total 50 project groups from all the departments participated in this competition. Two winners were selected from each branch. Following were the judges for the competition Dr. K. N. Vijaya Kumar from D. J. Sanghvi College of...Read More
Project on “Computational based simulation considering analysis and optimisation of water distribution network by compiling GIS and Hydraulic model using EPANET” by Ashish Yadav, Sunny Revankar, Ankit Singh, Nipun Waykar under the guidance of Mr. Karthik Nagarajan received the following prizes 1st Prize in Paper Presentation at 3rd National Level Project Exhibition and Poster Presentation...Read More
Project on “Mitigation and parametric investigation considering contamination in water quality in distribution network with application of a hydraulic software”, by Vishnu P.T., Manoj A. Parihar, Prajwal M., Peeyush Umanathan under the guidance of Mr. Karthik Nagarajan received the following prizes – 2nd Prize for Model presentation at TECH Euforia, PHCET (Jan 2017) 3rd Prize...Read More
Engineeria is a International Level Quiz Competition arranged by CADD Centre and was held in Civil Engineering Department of PHCET for Civil Engineering students on 29th August, 2016. It was an opportunity to test the knowledge, skill and presence of mind of the emerging engineers. Engineeria aims at putting the technical aspect, innate skill set...Read More