Online Webinar on “Environment Day Celebration 2021 : An Interaction with Students to boost Recycling & Waste Management”

PHCET > Mech Events > Online Webinar on “Environment Day Celebration 2021 : An Interaction with Students to boost Recycling & Waste Management”

The Institute Innovation Council at the Pillai HOC College of Engineering & Technology hosted an Online Webinar on “Environment Day Celebration 2021 : An Interaction with Students to boost Recycling & Waste Management” for Xth, XIth and XIIth students.

5th June, 2021
07:00 p.m. to 08:00 p.m.

The World Environment Day is celebrated across the globe on 5th June, every year, by the United Nations to remind the people that Nature can’t be taken for granted and there is an urgent need to maintain biodiversity that affects all living beings. There is a need to balance the ecosystem through recycling and waste management. The theme of the World Environment Day 2021 is Ecosystem Restoration and Pakistan is the global host.

Dr. Gajendra Patil addressing the webinar

Under the aegis of the World Environment Day, the Innovation Council @ PHCET organized a virtual event to commemorate the Day under the theme Reimagine-Recreate-Restore on June 5 at 07:00 p.m. The students, faculties and entrepreneurs were invited to join on the shared link and narrate actions taken in their daily lives to restore human-nature bond and action plans for the recycling and Waste Management.

At the outset Prof. R.C. Prasad, President of the Innovation Council @ PHCET welcomed the participants and gave an insight into waste segregation, recycling and waste management for circular economy. He also outlined the Upcoming National Workshop on 21st June and State Level Hackathon 2021. School students were briefed on how to prepare their video recorded presentations for the competition. After his talk, Dr. T. J. Mathew, Principal PHCET shared his experience and gave valuable tips on video recording. More than 120 students and faculty participated the interactive session. The session ended with Question Answer session and vote of thanks. Positive feedback was received from participants and faculties. Some of the Snap Shots of the Event are enclosed. You can view entire recorded proceeding on the link below (press Ctrl+click the link)