International Student Olympiad 2023 in Hot Bulk Technologies

PHCET > Mech Events > International Student Olympiad 2023 in Hot Bulk Technologies

The International students olympiad in universities around the world was held on 24th May, 2023 at the Research & Innovation Centre, Engineering building, PHCET, Rasayani. Twenty five students originally registered for participating in the event. Out of twenty five ten students were selected who had participated in the practice sessions every Saturday during the month of April 2023 under the guidance of Dr. R. C. Prasad & Mr. Saurabh Sirsikar. Mr. Dhiraj Mishra, Business Development Manager interacted with participants and through Zoom meeting form Delhi on behalf of QFX Simulations Limited, Russia. The lunch was served in the R&D Innovation Lab that was sponsored by the Society for Failure Analysis Mumbai Chapter.

Date and Time
Resource Person

24th May, 2023, 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Research & Innovation Centre, Engineering Building, PHCET, Rasayani
Prof. R.C. Prasad, Professor & President Institute Innovation Council at PHCET, Rasayani
Mr. Saurabh Sirsikar, Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, PHCET, Rasayani
Mechanical Engineering

The students should provide the following information according to the results of their tasks:

A summary table with the description of their work

Write a report with the description of performing the task and its results, including calculations, justifications and conclusions.

QForm simulation was a supporting tool.

Final evaluation will take into consideration Quality, Validity & applied approaches in decision making besides :

1. Selection of equipment (performance evaluation, power and energy parameters).
2. Analysis of possible defects in the forged piece.
3. Analysis of wear resistance and strength of die tooling.
4. Selection of the optimal work piece, selection of forging operations (number of the operations, a die impression geometry, evaluation of the metal utilization factor, deforming force (forging load), etc.).
5. Six (6) hours are given to complete the task.