A. P. Deshpande, P. B. Nagrnaik and V. N. Bhusari, "Removal of Nickel from aqueous solution by adsorption on fly ash – A review” Emerging Trades in Civil Engineering National Conference at G.H. Raisoni College of engineering, Nagpur
R. Koppad, A. Dharnaik, A. Deshpande and M. Zain, “Bacteriological Analysis of groundwater sources at Doddaballapur Karnataka State” International Journal of Future Generation Communication and Networking-2020
R. Koppad, A. Kale, A. Deshpande and B. Deshmukh, “Assessment of Lake Eutrophication: A Case Study in Kattigenahalli Lake Bengaluru” International Interdisciplinary Research Journal - 2021
Construction of paver block with paint sludge, fly-ash, and GGBS as a partial replacement of cement in concrete. (Application No. 202221040864)
Use of textile slag and graphite in eco-friendly paver blocks for snow areas. (Application No. 202221040862)